Tooth whitening
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``I like white on everything but my teeth`` -Marlon Becerra Diaz
What is Teeth Whitening?
Tooth whitening is a professional treatment that lightens the shade of teeth caused by pigmentation. It is usually performed on the front teeth, although depending on the case, it can also be performed on some of the back teeth.
Meet the Before and After of Stephany Castaño-Patient of Marlon Becerra
It is usually performed on the anterior teeth, although depending on the case, it can also be performed on some posterior teeth. Some pigmentations are superficial and some are deeper, both of which can be treated by your dentist and may require additional procedures.
how many sessions do i need to whiten my teeth?
The number of whitening sessions you need depends on:
- Base color of your teeth (There are 3 tooth colors: white, cream and gray).
- The amount of dentin present in your teeth.
- Your eating habits.
- The color of your skin.
Teeth whitening can be performed at home or by a dentist, but should always be done under the supervision of a professional.
- It is necessary to clean your teeth (hygienic phase) before starting your teeth whitening, in order for the product to have maximum effectiveness.
- Avoid consumption of beverages such as: sodas, carbonated beverages, wine, red wine, etc. As well as foods that cause stains such as: spinach, curry, carrots, etc.
- Avoid consumption of acidic foods such as: Lemon, pineapple and blackberry among others, so as not to increase sensitivity.

During the 48 following treatment avoid:
- Consume alcoholic and dark beverages (such as coffee, tea, wine, soy sauce, sodas).
- Dairy consumption.
- Consuming acidic foods.
- Use whitening creams. (Consult your dentist).
- Use mouthwashes that contain alcohol or are highly pigmented.
- Use dark or strong lipstick.
This procedure is not recommended:
- In minors, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
- In teeth with root resorption.
- In patients finishing their orthodontic treatment.
- It is recommended to wait a considerable time according to the specialist’s indications.
- You may experience tooth sensitivity during or after treatment.
- Reversible soft tissue injury (gum, tongue, etc.) during the procedure.
- Settling of pre-existing white spots.

In which cases does whitening not work?
- When the edge of the teeth near the gum is darker, it will remain the same after bleaching.
- In fillings, tooth stains caused by tetracycline, fluorosis and amalgams.
- In teeth with root canals. In this case an additional procedure (intracameral bleaching) should be performed.
The sessions should be performed according to your dentist’s indications, both the number of sessions and the time intervals.
Say goodbye to stains on your teeth and achieve your dream smile.

TIP 1 White Teeth
The number of whitening sessions you need depends on the base color of your teeth (white, cream or gray), your eating habits, the color of your skin and the amount of dentin present in your teeth.

TIP 2 White Teeth
It is necessary to clean your teeth (hygienic phase) before starting your teeth whitening, in order for the product to have maximum effectiveness.

TIP 3 White Teeth
When the edge of the teeth near the gum is darker, it will remain the same after bleaching.

TIP 4 White Teeth
In teeth with root canals, an additional procedure should be performed.

TIP 5 White Teeth
You may experience tooth sensitivity during or after treatment.
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Orthodontics Patient Marlon Becerra